Wednesday, October 6, 2010


It’s hard to believe that we are so close to the annual meeting. We were only just together in Orlando! We are about six weeks out from the meeting and registration is 25% ahead of where we were at this time last year. This comes as no surprise as San Francisco always attracts more attendees. I can’t imagine that this meeting won’t recapture the title for the Academy’s largest meeting ever just like the last time we assembled in San Francisco.

Have you had an opportunity to look at the educational offerings available this year in San Francisco? You might have a hard time deciding which of the many courses you want to take. Use the Personal Program Planner to manage your schedule at the meeting.

Remember that our meeting is Wednesday through Saturday with fantastic courses each day. Academy 2010 San Francisco is All CE, All the Time®! You can earn CE at scientific papers and poster sessions, at the Plenary, at the Awards Program, at all symposia, and of course, from traditional CE lectures.

Be sure to stay for the Saturday courses -- you will learn a lot in the amazing educational opportunities offered. One of the most popular Grand Rounds presentations occurs at Residents Day; you can earn up to seven hours of CE if you attend this all day Saturday program that is filled with terrific case presentations and posters by current residents. I always learn something new and am impressed with the depth of knowledge these young doctors have to share.

In addition, eight hours of CE lectures are available on Saturday – you’ll be finished by 4:30 pm. The day is packed with outstanding speakers including Drs. Melton & Thomas, Fingeret, Cummings, Classé, DePaolis, Gailmard, Malloy, Myers & Gurwood, Richer, Shechtman and Szczotka-Flynn. You will hear never-before presented lectures on topics including New Horizons in Glaucoma, Congenital Achromatopsias, Clinical Grand Rounds, Ocular Emergencies, Pediatric Nystagmus, Practice Management, Glaucoma Surgery Update, OCT, Contact Lens Complications, and Ocular Motor Disorders.

Enjoy the fourth day of the meeting in San Francisco with top notch lectures, then grab a bite to eat and hurry back to class at 12:30 pm – these must-hear lectures will fill up fast! Book your flight home for Sunday and stick around for CE Saturday afternoon and the Annual President’s Banquet Saturday evening to celebrate the new Fellows and Diplomates – you won’t want to miss it!

I am really looking forward to once again renewing old friendships, and establishing new ones. I hope you are, as well.

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