Thursday, July 9, 2009


Did you know that there is a press conference held during the Academy annual meeting? In the past, this event has only been open to the optometric and ophthalmic press, but I am happy to inform you that beginning this year, all meeting attendees are welcome. The press conference provides a forum for quick and succinct abstracts of the most press-friendly research presented at the annual meeting. The research presented there has been selected by the Academy’s Scientific Program Committee and the Communications Committee for its press worthiness. The press conference includes the most important research with the broadest appeal. The press conference also includes carefully selected presentations of advances by ophthalmic corporations.

So, why would you want to attend this event if you aren’t a member of the press? I’m glad you asked. The format of the press conference is fast-paced, with each presenter allowed five minutes to state his or her case. You will hear snippets of research that may affect your patient care immediately or in the very near future. If your scientific curiosity is piqued by what you hear there, you can attend the full presentation of the paper, poster, or symposium that will discuss those findings in detail. Presenters from various companies often launch their latest products in this venue, so you can stop by their booths in the exhibit hall to learn how you can incorporate the use of these latest products in the care of your patients. This year’s press conference will be at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, November 12.

I have always found the press conference very interesting and informative. I love its fast pace. Jim Sheedy, Chair of the Communications Committee, and the other committee members will have selected a program well worth your time, and I know you will come away from the press conference wanting to attend presentations you might have not otherwise considered attending. If you are a clinician, our meeting has far more to offer you than just outstanding traditional CE, and if you haven’t yet had exposure to these other offerings, you shouldn’t hesitate this year!

I hope to see you at Academy 2009 Orlando!
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