I want to tell you about some of the new features of the Academy’s journal Optometry and Vision Science online. Our editor, Tony Adams, and his editorial board do a great job for us, and have even made it easier to access these latest discoveries by making every article available online. We are living in a world that is increasingly tied to information overload. The Academy is working to get you the information you need in formats that make it easy for you! We send out the monthly OVS Announces email to give you pithy information about current journal articles. The journal’s publishers are now going that extra step further, by giving you access to articles published ahead of print.
1. Go to the Academy OVS webpage
2. Select “Log-in” on the top of the page, where it says “Attention Members.”
3. Enter your login information.
4. Select the “Optometry and Vision Science (Members Only)” link.
Optometry and Vision Science now provides online access to journal subscribers and Academy members. It still showcases the latest, cutting edge research that you have come to expect, now with easier access. Additionally, OVS began an entirely new electronic publishing platform that personalizes and expands features for readers, including E-publications ahead of print issue and supplementary movie materials online.
For those of you who have an Internet-enabled mobile device, you can also navigate your mobile web browser to the OVS journal website and browse articles in the palm of your hand! The mobile version has many of the same features as the hardcopy version: search, current table of contents, full text view, image handling, abstracts, featured articles and much more! All you need to do is navigate your mobile web browser to the journal website and you’re there! The content is optimized just for your mobile device.
Now, you have no excuse not to read the journal. It’s as close as your PC, Blackberry, or iPhone.
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