Saturday, September 4, 2010


As many of you know, the history of the Academy intrigues me. Those of you who share this interest will be delighted to know that your board has recently taken steps to honor one of the true stalwarts of the Academy. We were all saddened this year to lose Mert Flom, OD, PhD, FAAO. He has a prominent place in the history of this organization, and his passion for the Academy was only exceeded by his passion for the study of leadership. Today’s leadership programs are the fruit of Mert’s labor. Many of today’s optometry leaders have taken Mert’s courses, and many would acknowledge that their leadership style has been influenced by what they learned from these courses.

We are proud to announce that the Academy’s leadership courses will be known from now on as the Merton C. Flom Leadership InSight Program. We are fortunate to have two very capable leaders, Linda Casser, OD, FAAO, and Steven Eyler, OD, FAAO, who continue to build upon Mert’s leadership legacy. The Leadership InSight Program remains unsurpassed by any other found in optometry. There are lessons to be learned that will serve you well in any setting where leadership needs to be part of your skill set. This may include your own practice, a job setting, or in any organization, whether professional, civic or religious. Mert would tell you that leadership can be learned, and if you haven’t taken one of these courses, now is a good opportunity to do so. I would encourage you to register now before they are filled.

I would also like to highlight another annual meeting event based on history. As a matter of fact, the program is all about history of the Academy and optometry. I am referring to a program presented by another stalwart of the profession, Irving Bennett, OHS, OD, FAAO. Do you know about the Optometric Historical Society? It is an organization that meets to discuss the early days of the profession. Join the Reminisce-IN of the Optometric Historical Society on Friday, November 19 at Academy 2010 San Francisco immediately following the Annual Awards Ceremony. The theme of the meeting this year will be “The Ups and Downs of Optometry’s Relationships with Organized Medicine and with Organized Opthalmology.” If you plan to attend, please email Dr. Irv Bennett. I assure you that you will have an enjoyable time listening to early events that formed our profession.
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